Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Effect of the Paywall Strategy on News Corp Company Essay

The Effect of the Paywall Strategy on News Corp Company - Essay Example The newspaper industry earns the majority of its revenue through advertising from other companies who pay to depend upon the number of circulations. The advent of internet gave rise to electronic news where advertisers pay depending upon the page views. The paywall strategy implemented by News Corp by putting WSJ, The Times and The Sunday Times behind the strategy has resulted in a downfall in the number of monthly page views. However it is pertinent to mention here that availability of free content online and decline in the circulation of newspaper prompted the management to put online content behind paywall so that it may increase the newspaper circulation and at the same time generate revenue from subscriptions (Salmon, 2010). The objective behind the paywall strategy is to identify the customer and their wants and interests more clearly and build direct customer wherever possible. It further makes it clear that advertising alone will not bear the operational costs of print news a s successful newspaper of the future will charge for their content (News Corp, Annual Report, 2009). The strategy worked for Wall Street Journal as it provided editorial content, analysis and expert articles on topics which attracted certain target groups for subscription (Drury, 2010)2. According to comScore, the readership of Times UK website declined from 4 million unique visitors to 2.4 million, a 62% drop in the readership whereas page views came down by 90% from 41 million views in May 2010 to 4 million in September 2010 (Schonfeld, 2010)3. a) According to first quarter report for the fiscal year 2011, the newspaper businesses achieved an average 13% increase in advertising revenue with gains as compared to quarter in the previous year (News Corp, 2010). As paywall strategy was implemented in early June 2010, the results published in the report reveal positive results with an increase in the revenue, which means that company is making substantial profits through subscriptions. However the drop in the page views will be a big blow to the company as advertisers would not want to invest their money on a place where they could not get more visitors. Though the annual reports show marginal profits in newspaper segment, drop in page views from 21 million to 2.7 million will definitely have an impact on online revenue generation (Salmon, 2010).     

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Organizational behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organizational behavior - Essay Example Motivation has always been considered a stronghold of the human resources department but lately organizations have realized that line managers are constantly in contact with the employees and for most of the employees, their immediate superiors represent the management of the company (Brewster & Larsen 1992). If these managers have the responsibility and authority to control and reward the employees directly under them, it could enhance productivity and effectively work out better for the organization. The personnel specialists have practically negligible interactions with the employers and it is felt that line managers are appropriate to handle the issues relating to staff under them. They are suitable to motivate and being out the best from the staff. Motivation to work can come from external factors or from within. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the physiological needs have to be satisfied for an individual to be motivated to work for the next need. In this hierarchy the self-actualization arises when all other needs have been satisfied. According to Herzberg two factors act upon the motivation of employees – the hygiene factors and the motivators. Hygienes are the intrinsic entities while motivators are intrinsic (Tietjen & Myers, 1998). According to Herzberg motivators cause positive job attitudes because they satisfy the workers need for self-actualization, which according to Maslow is the need for self-actualization, which is an individual’s ultimate goal. These motivators include recognition, achievement, growth prospects, responsibility and the work itself. Most employees are not clear about the roles and responsibilities, no role clarity, which leads to no satisfaction of job as the motivators according to Herzberg (cited by Tietjen & Myers, 1998) are not present. These factors can have a lasting impression on worker’s attitude,